Becoming employed is good news until the new worker learns that an ID card, a uniform, a pair of work boots or tools are needed. For Southeast Ministry (SEM) participants with few resources, job preparation is as critical as getting the job. SEM’s role is to help meet that need. The organization also assists people in finding housing and access supportive services. Participants seeking support cannot always rely on families and friends so Southeast Ministry provides what’s necessary to ensure success.
“I am so thankful. With these gifts, I can finally get a new iron.”
“The awards and gifts give you incentive to keep coming back and working hard. They let you know that you are making progress.”
“Even though I started out at Southeast Ministry in the GED class, I was referred to another organization by one of the directors at Southeast Ministry. I ended up graduating on June 19th, 2013. I can, finally, hold my head up high and proudly say, ‘Yes, I have my high school diploma.’ ”